Well here I sit wondering what my first blog should be about.
Well as a creative person I take the odd photo and do various bits of creative stuff. Some of it I get paid alot of money for, some of it gets put in bins around the world.
Creative stuff.. advertising, design, I've done a couple TVcommercials, websites, direct mail or as my mate calls it, junk mail, illustration etc Some good , some bad, some I can't decide.. Well nevertheless that's what I spend most of my time doing... so I might as well spam the net with it.. Welcome to my blog this is where I express myself not the views of my clients, company and any brand. I'm gonna dump it here.. Just me, all of me, my photos, drawings, postcards, ramblings.. because my Mums garage is way to small and so is my shitty bachelor pad. This way I'll have a record of it, someone could sue me for it, maybe it will make sense one day..
Just about evey painting I have ever done has been lost, stolen, distroyed,misplaced, trashed by the school board so at least here it should find at aleast one other viewer besides me and my mum. Hey give us a shout if anyones reading this, cos I don't believe it works yet.
I mean who the hell would be interested in my life and why aren't you having one now anyway? Go on piss off and get a life. MMmm still here, I wonder maybe I'm onto something. The new frontier? Is this the gallery space I've always wanted? My first solo exhibition? Well we will see....