With the credit crunch well and truly here, cooking at home and dinner parties in 2009 is the hot thing to do apparently. Kraft entered the iPhone branded application fray with the iFood Assistant. They are proving, in true branded utility stylee, that if you make something useful enough, consumers will be happy to not only be marketed to, but even pay for the privilege AND exchange personal information along the way. Tasty little app, if only I could stop losing my phone!
Monday, 26 January 2009
Monday, 19 January 2009
Goggle Ad words fumbles
Whopper virgins wows

This one is courtesy of Burger King, which has a new campaign called "Whopper Virgins" with a short documentary that has people in remote areas of the world taste-testing Whoppers and Big Macs.
It has received mixed reviews. Marilyn Borchardt, development director for Food First, calls the campaign "insensitive" and points out, "The ad's not even acknowledging that there's even hunger in any of these places." According to ComScore, Burger King reports that the site has had 727,075 total visitors and 698,149 unique visitors, who spend an average of nearly four minutes on the site so it seems very successful as a piece of marketing to the non vegan, sandal wearing, hippies amongst us. Exactly the objective I presume - so a great viral idea worth sharing and definitely left me looking forward to my next visit! Lunch anyone? http://www.whoppervirgins.com
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Viral goes pop

As it’s the list-making season, The Guardian has ranked the top ten viral ads of 2008: http://tinyurl.com/5wg2bd
But who won the race to be Christmas number one?
I’ll spare you the Jimmy Saville-esque run-down and jump straight to the top of the pack. There proudly stands the Obama campaign’s exceptional update of Budweiser’s most famous spot. And rightly so; it’s a brilliant remake and surprisingly poignant. The original campaign was so popular that the cry ‘Wassssssssup?’ could be heard from space – it was old-school viral.
The new school, though, shows the remarkable benefits of online viral marketing: its affordability; it’s humanity; the freedom it offers; and the debate it provokes. Good viral campaigns show the creativity and innovation that all adverts should aspire to achieve. And it’s good to see that TV adverts are rising to the challenge. Last year, Cadbury’s Gorilla was a YouTube smash and this year it’s Nike (number 5 in The Guardian’s list).
Absolutly great site

Absolut have done it again. A fantastic site with a unique yet intuitive graphic interface, lovely flash work, great content, and Web 2.0 interaction. A portal that delivers a variety of sites in one beautiful hit. My favourite was the Absolut vision - a site that delivers the visions of some outstanding people and makes them a reality. http://absolut.com
Monday, 5 January 2009
Peggy Pounce

A number of family members have contacted me regarding her passing on. I am very sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful women who touched many lives. A few of you have asked for copies of her videos 9particularily her son Martin Pounce), I have no way of contacting you unless you leave me details. Please contact me with your email details and I will forward a DVD/cd to you. Warm regards - Tyrone
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