This one is courtesy of Burger King, which has a new campaign called "Whopper Virgins" with a short documentary that has people in remote areas of the world taste-testing Whoppers and Big Macs.
It has received mixed reviews. Marilyn Borchardt, development director for Food First, calls the campaign "insensitive" and points out, "The ad's not even acknowledging that there's even hunger in any of these places." According to ComScore, Burger King reports that the site has had 727,075 total visitors and 698,149 unique visitors, who spend an average of nearly four minutes on the site so it seems very successful as a piece of marketing to the non vegan, sandal wearing, hippies amongst us. Exactly the objective I presume - so a great viral idea worth sharing and definitely left me looking forward to my next visit! Lunch anyone? http://www.whoppervirgins.com
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